The Spoony Experiment
Experiment Dungeons & Dragons
Type Audio.
Produced and Directed by Noah Antwiler.
Length 108 minutes.
Medium Computer.
Date Recorded and released June 2004.
Cast Noah Antwiler as Tandem the Spoony and Fauxba Fett and Prince Xizor and Driver Thug and Sorbo Yellow and Sorbo Beige, Miles Antwiler as Sorbo Green, Noah J.D. Chinn as The Director and FedEx Thug.
Written by
Noah Antweiler and Miles Antweiler.
Special Notes
- The Spoony Experiment is an MST3K-style audio/commentary track meant to be played while you are watching your own copy of a particular movie. You'll need to rent or buy the movie yourself, because you don't get it when downloading the audio file -- not even the audio of the movie. The producer recommends the DVD versions.
- This first episode has an opening skit (Enter the Spoony) that you can listen to before the movie starts. It's a kind of radio play that serves as a prologue for the series, explains the premis, and is almost fourteen minutes long.
Related Links
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