Category Archives: fan film

Mysterious Rifftrax 337

Rifftrax isn’t the first riffing crew to take on The Five Doctors. Find out who got there first, and what they think about it.

Desirae Seter: The Finaler Interview

Binding Polymer had a virtual sit-down with Desirae Seter, the writer and editor of the Final Sacrifice 2 and Final Sacrifice 3 (a Space Mutiny cross-over) fan-films. Desirae also produces short videos starring her pug dog, Lucy, called Literary Lucy, and a podcast (G.O.A.) with her friends Matt, Kevin and Don.

It Zappened Again!

In what may be Zap Rowsdower’s final final sacrifice, Great Desirini films has released, Final Sacrifice 3: The Quest for Beer on the Sun. After finally sacrificing for the second time in Final Sacrifice 2: The Finaler Sacrifice, Zap dreams of a day when he can reach the only warm place he’s ever known. Being from […]

June 22, 2016

Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans releases it’s fifth episode a day before the Russian MST3K translation project releases their second.

It’s Finalery Zappening!

Final Sacrifice 2: The Finaler Sacrifice… a sequel to… the action-packed adventure film written and directed by the legendary Tjardus Greidanus