Rifftrax isn’t the first riffing crew to take on The Five Doctors. Find out who got there first, and what they think about it.
Binding Polymer
Category Archives: fan film
Desirae Seter: The Finaler Interview
Binding Polymer had a virtual sit-down with Desirae Seter, the writer and editor of the Final Sacrifice 2 and Final Sacrifice 3 (a Space Mutiny cross-over) fan-films. Desirae also produces short videos starring her pug dog, Lucy, called Literary Lucy, and a podcast (G.O.A.) with her friends Matt, Kevin and Don.
It Zappened Again!
In what may be Zap Rowsdower’s final final sacrifice, Great Desirini films has released, Final Sacrifice 3: The Quest for Beer on the Sun. After finally sacrificing for the second time in Final Sacrifice 2: The Finaler Sacrifice, Zap dreams of a day when he can reach the only warm place he’s ever known. Being from […]
June 22, 2016
Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans releases it’s fifth episode a day before the Russian MST3K translation project releases their second.
It’s Finalery Zappening!
Final Sacrifice 2: The Finaler Sacrifice… a sequel to… the action-packed adventure film written and directed by the legendary Tjardus Greidanus