Category Archives:

Bromance on Film: Asylum of Satan

In a feet of double-digit consistency, Bromance on Film dips a second toe in the William Girdler waters with a tenth-in-as-many-months episode. This time, instead of a crazed, supernaturally-sized bear — and sweeping, helicopter panoramas — they keep it strictly 4×3 with a horror film definitely not shot in the Todd A.O. format: 1971’s Asylum of Satan. Bromance on Film: Asylum […]

KCOS: For Health and Happiness (corrected)

On April 11, 2017, KCOS takes on For Health and Happiness.

KCOS: For Health and Happiness

There’s a new episode of Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans out today, April 1, 2017.

June 22, 2016

Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans releases it’s fifth episode a day before the Russian MST3K translation project releases their second.


There’s something afoot at Cloudtronic Institute. The aforementioned afoot is an experiment whereupon corny movies are being forced upon an unwilling group of test subjects who have been stranded up on an artificial satellite in space by an evil mad scientist. It’s a new Mystery Science Theater 3000-style fan-made video series from The Computer Clan […]