Webcomic “Adam Smithee” has announced a new live-riffing event to be performed at Penguicon at the end of this month. He’s calling it Cinematic For The People. Based on the success of the show, it may travel to other venues, such as Ikasucon and NMACon. A tweet on the subject places the start-time of CFTP that Saturday, at 11PM. So does the Penguicon events schedule. But, like all cons, the schedule is in flux up until the closing ceremonies. So, check your local listings.
Cinematic For The People (CFTP for short) aims to be a full-feature experience, akin to actually watching an episode of MST3K live – complete with host segments, silly outfits, and a cameo appearance by our own suspiciously Servo-esque “Mr. Hal Sirveaux” at some point during the two hour long event. There will also be prizes, audience participation, and a singalong at some point.
This will be the first performance of Cinematic For The People. The experiment will be the public domain, animated feature Space Transformers. It’s kind of like an anime, produced by Koreans, with no connection to Hasbro.
You may recognize “Adam” from his posts on the botbuilders group on Yahoo! Groups. Or, you may recognize his voice from Tropecast, a podcast out of the Webcomic Beacon website. Continue your recognition via Twitter, Apple Valley, and Webcomic Hell.
Penguicon describes itself as an “open source software and science fiction convention. It runs from April 29 to May 1 at the Troy Marriot hotel, in Detroit, Michigan.
(via fanmst3k)
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[…] and pals will be doing up their jibes at midnight tonight. Will it be the same experiment as a few months ago when they took on Space Transformers at Penguicon? […]
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