Category Archives: Fanvids

Mysterious Rifftrax 337

Rifftrax isn’t the first riffing crew to take on The Five Doctors. Find out who got there first, and what they think about it.

June 22, 2016

Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans releases it’s fifth episode a day before the Russian MST3K translation project releases their second.

The Return of Project Popcorn

Hey, guys! Have you seen this Russian Mystery Science Theater 3000 ripoff?! It’s totally weird! And, Hitler’s in it! I mean, Russia totally stole Everybody Loves Raymond, so why not MST3K, right? I mean, what’s the world comi– what’s that you say? It’s been out for a while? And, it’s not a ripoff, but a fan-made homage? […]

KCOS: Superman

A new episode of Ken’s Cinema of Shenanigans has been released over on the YouTube.


There’s something afoot at Cloudtronic Institute. The aforementioned afoot is an experiment whereupon corny movies are being forced upon an unwilling group of test subjects who have been stranded up on an artificial satellite in space by an evil mad scientist. It’s a new Mystery Science Theater 3000-style fan-made video series from The Computer Clan […]

Purgatory Theater

Mighty Mayhem breaks onto the YouTube scene with reviews of two-player table top games and three episodes of a brand new Mystery Science Theater 3000-style fan-made video series: Purgatory Theater.

MFT3000 4 & 5: production update

Mike Hagen over at Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 dropped a big heaping scoop on the members of fanmst3k, not too long ago; a scoop of tasty update with update sprinkles (or jimmies). Here’s a lick: we have begun filming episodes 4 and 5 of Mystery Fandom Theater 3000! Hungry for more? Head on over to […]

Popcorn, Pretty Cat, and Perestroika

Project Popcorn, the Russian MST3K

Play MSTie For Me: Cindy Goes to a Party

It’s a new fanvid from Kyle Pittman, of MST4000 fame.

Mystery Fandom Theater vs. Eisenhower

MFT3K is working on its fourth episode.