When not investigating fraud for a multi-billion dollar trans-national computer company or running a “full service multimedia visual design company“, Taylor Boston and Philip Lee (respectively) of Austin, Texas, spend some of their off-hours writing riffs and improvising host segments for their own Mystery Science Theater 3000-style fan-made video series. They call it Bromance on […]
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Keeping you together since 1892.
Mystery Fandom Theater 3000
MFT3000 4 & 5: production update
Mike Hagen over at Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 dropped a big heaping scoop on the members of fanmst3k, not too long ago; a scoop of tasty update with update sprinkles (or jimmies). Here’s a lick: we have begun filming episodes 4 and 5 of Mystery Fandom Theater 3000! Hungry for more? Head on over to […]
A Space Opera Named Desire.
Curved Space – The Adventures of Stella Star. It’s a book.
Mystery Fandom Theater vs. Eisenhower
MFT3K is working on its fourth episode.